Flower Honey
- Art Direction
- Visual Identity Design
- Label Design
- Leaflet Design
- Website Design
- Photography
Flower Honey is a brand that presents city dwellers with the high-quality honey produced by the Nishio family, beekeepers based in Yoro-cho, Gifu Prefecture.
I was responsible for the creation of the logo, label, leaflets, website, and photography of the beekeeping farm.
By featuring an illustration of the producer's face front and center on the packaging, we visually convey the confidence and sincerity they have in the quality of their honey.
「Flower Honey」は、岐阜県養老町を拠点とする養蜂家、西尾ファミリーが生産する上質なはちみつを都市生活者に紹介するブランドです。